Opening Up After Life's Traumatic Experiences

Life after childhood cancer, abuse, family addictions, death of my son, suicide of my husband, and more.

My Blogs

  • Cancer & Religion – Blog #7

    “You can be a victim of cancer, or a survivor of cancer. It’s a mindset.” – DAVE PELZER I was born in December 1969, right before Christmas. I was the fifth of six kids that my mother had. She had three children with her first marriage and three with my father. The oldest and youngest…

    Read more: Cancer & Religion – Blog #7
  • Honoring Neal on His Birthday!

    Today is Neal’s birthday. I want to honor him today and tell a little of our story. When a marriage or relationship ends, people say you need to take time, get over it, and move on. Find the next love of your life. Go down that broken path, and forget the past.  A spouse dying…

    Read more: Honoring Neal on His Birthday!
  • Why Blog? Why Now? – Blog #6

    “Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary..” – Fred Rogers I want to start by telling you all how wonderful it feels to write these blogs! I have had people reach out…

    Read more: Why Blog? Why Now? – Blog #6
  • The Shattered Club – Blog #5

    Nobody wants to be in the grieving parents club! As a parent, losing your child is the most dreaded nightmare of all. My kids were raised in a very small community.  There were less than 500 students K-12 at the time they attended school. The families were tight knit, as most of the kids knew…

    Read more: The Shattered Club – Blog #5
  • Grieving Publicly – Blog #4

    Society puts a timeline on grief. Most organizations that give bereavement leave to employees offer 3 to 5 days per year. That usually doesn’t include pay. Of course, most employers will allow more time, but that means when you come back, you had better be “over” the grief. You can’t be stuck in grief. You…

    Read more: Grieving Publicly – Blog #4
  • My Husband’s Suicide – Blog #3

    My Husband’s Suicide Neal was the funniest person I knew. That is how he captured my heart. He made me laugh everyday, usually at myself! He was so brilliant. You never wanted to play trivia pursuit with him… somehow he always knew the answers! Actually, you could not play any game with him without him…

    Read more: My Husband’s Suicide – Blog #3